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Scheme of Delegation

The Willow Learning Trust Scheme of Delegation September 2023

Our MAT has three levels of governance: Members, Trustees and Governors. Members can be regarded as the equivalent to shareholders in a commercial company and Trustees are the equivalent of company directors. Academy Trust boards provide strategic leadership and oversight for the academies within the Trust and are responsible for providing accountability for the overall performance of all Trust academies and the educational outcomes for all groups of pupils. This responsibility and accountability may not be delegated, but the Board may delegate powers and duties to other bodies. Governors are expected to only serve on one LGB of the Trust to avoid potential conflicts of interest.


This Scheme of Delegation shows where powers and responsibilities are delegated to the different bodies involved in the governance and operation of The Willow Learning Trust and its academies. While the Scheme is designed to be comprehensive it will not cover every task. The Scheme will be reviewed in the summer term of 2024 or sooner in the case of significant change.


The bodies comprise:

  • Trust Members
  • Trust Board of Directors
  • CEO (Accounting Officer)
  • Trust Finance, Premises and Audit Committee
  • Trust Personnel Committee
  • Trust Standards Committee
  • Local Governing Bodies
  • Headteachers of individual academies

Members (5) No term of Office. 

2 meetings a year. Meeting dates and times to be agreed to meet statutory responsibilities.


Jan Wright

Robert Frogley

David Cheesman

Janet Driels

Sue Stears


  • Reviewing the strategic vision, ethos, values and objectives of the Trust
  • Approve any amendments required to the Funding agreement or Articles of Association
  • Appoint or remove Trust Members
  • Appoint or remove Trustees in accordance with Articles
  • Overview of governance arrangements and structure
  • Hold an Annual AGM and call general meetings where required 



  • Appoint External Auditors
  • Remove External Auditors
  • Receive and approve the Audited Accounts
  • Adopt Trustees’ Annual Report and Financial Statement
  • Adopt and comply with Academy Trust Handbook


Board of Trustees (10: 7+3 co-opted) (ToO: 4 years) 4 meetings a year, meeting at 4.00pm on Mondays.


Chair: Simon Brown

Vice Chair:  

Chair of Finance, Audit & Premises: Grant Stonell

Chair of StandardsMarilyn Holness

Chair of Personnel: Marilyn


Trustees: Vacancy, Dayo Balogun

CEO & Accounting Officer

Steve Hume


Co-opted Trustees (Chairs of LGBs):

Laura Dalton (GHS)

Isabelle Paget (Aragon)

Mark Rosewell (Abbey)



Governance Professional:

Mary Gill 


  • Setting the strategic vision, ethos, values and objectives of the Trust
  • Identify and consider opportunities to expand the Trust
  • Identify and approve the statutory policies which apply across all the Trust’s schools
  • Hold CEO to account for the educational performance and financial probity of schools in the MAT and for ensuring that each school manages appraisal according to the WLT Appraisal Policy
  • Establish an independent Audit and Risk committee to achieve internal scrutiny to cover both financial and non-financial controls which meets 3 times per year. 
  • Maintain and Monitor a Trust risk register 
  • Agree an annual written scheme of delegation for governance functions: 

financial powers, governance and legal direction with robust internal control arrangements.

  • Establish Trust committees, including LGBs, and receive reports from each committee
  • Appointment of Governance Professional
  • Remove the Chair or Vice-Chair of a Local Governing Body
  • Remove Governors in accordance with WLT procedures
  • Agree appointments of co-opted Governors to the LGB
  • Recommend appointment of Trustees to Trust Board 
  • Approve adoption of WLT Business and Strategic Plan
  • Appoint or remove co-opted Directors from the Board



  • Performance management of the Chief Executive Officer and Headteachers through the CEO.
  • Appoint the Chief Executive Officer as Accounting Officer.
  • Appoint the Director of Finance as the Chief Financial Officer.
  • Ratify Chief Executive Officer Terms and Conditions (including pay) and appointment 
  • Dismiss a Headteacher or the Chief Executive Officer
  • Set up Panel for Stage 4 Complaints



  • Adopt and comply with Academy Trust Handbook
  • Approve the Audited accounts
  • Agree Trustees’ Annual Report and Financial Statement
  • Identify and propose any amendments required to the Funding agreement or Articles of Association
  • Hold at least 3 Board meetings each academic year
  • Maintain minutes of, and papers considered at, meetings of the Board/ governing body/ committees maintained
  • Determining Trust Board meeting frequency and agendas
  • Prevent establishment of extremism and or political indoctrination and ensure the balanced treatment of any issue
  • Complete a Register of Interests at the start of each academic year and ensure it is updated as is required over the course of the year
  • Accountable for the compliance to GDPR 
  • Publish on the Trust/School website a summary of the register of interests



  • Approve Admission Policies for each academy based on recommendations from the LGBs
  • Consider PAN for MAT schools, based on the recommendation of the LGBs
  • Request specific admissions issues are discussed and addressed at LGB level


Appeal Panel members: D Balogun, S Brown, S Cook, 

M Holness, T Magill, I Paget, L Dalton, Mark Rosewell, G Stonell 


Finance, Premises and

Audit Committee 


This committee will also act as an Audit and Risk committee  


(4 Trustees, LGB representatives (max 3) + 1 advisor +



Data Protection Link Trustee:  Simon Brown

Health & Safety Link Trustee: Simon Brown

Chair: Grant Stonell

Trustees: Dayo Balogun

LGB Members: Kevin Mohr

(GHS), Jerome DussardMcFarlane (Aragon), Sarah

Seal (Abbey)

CEO: Steve Hume



Chair of Trustees: 

Simon Brown

Directors of Finance:  Jan Mayoran

GHS HT: Sarah Peacock

ABB HT: Andrea Stirling


ARA HT: Clare Ryder


  • Monitor performance of Trust Budgets and scrutinise individual school budgets through monthly monitoring reports
  • Monitor expenditure and value for money and the delivery and performance of shared services
  • Consider and approve central charge and budget, and school budgets
  • Approve the financial implications of staffing structures
  • Ratify individual school budget plans 
  • Authorise in-year revisions to an approved school budget 
  • Approve 3-year budget plans to inform budget forecast return
  • Approve an Annual Budget Forecast Return and submit to the ESFA by the deadline (BFRO)
  • Approve a 3-year Budget Forecast Return and submit to the ESFA by the deadline (BFR)
  • Contribute to Trust long-term financial planning through consideration of financial priorities and use of any contingency fund/balances. 
  • Appoint a person responsible for Internal Scrutiny. 
  • Review and approve Tendering policy, Reserves policy, Governor Allowance policy and Fixed Asset policy
  • Monitor SCITT budget and finances
  • Approve contracts over £10,000
  • Authorise the advertising and awarding of tenders worth £50,000+
  • Authorise disposal of fixed assets above £1000
  • Review and approve any Condition Improvement Funding bids
  • Review and approve programme of internal scrutiny
  • Receive regular reports from internal scrutiny
  • Contingency planning



  • Direct the Trust’s programme of internal scrutiny and security and report to the board on the adequacy of the Trust’s financial and other controls, and management of risk to make sure that they are being appropriately addressed.
  • Seek any information required from the independent reviewer, the external auditor (including oversight of), Governors, Committees and Trust employees; 
  • Monitor the risks of fraud, bribery and corruption
  • Review and Approve Whistleblowing Policy



  • Review and Approve WLT Premises Framework Policy to include framework for H&S procedures, critical incident procedures and lockdown procedures
  • Monitor impact of the policy and response to H&S concerns and issues across WLT schools
  • Oversee building plans and contracts related to any Condition Improvement Funding bids or premises works
  • Monitor the compliance of GDPR within WLT schools
  • Review accessibility priorities for all WLT schools 
  • Procure new buildings and development of existing site and major new commitments 
  • Monitor and review outstanding actions from H&S audits at Trust schools


Personnel Committee  4 meetings a year, meeting at 9.15am on Mondays.


(5 Trustees, LGB representatives (max 3) + 2 advisors +



Safeguarding Link Trustee: Simon Brown

Chair: Marilyn Holness

Trustees:  Isabelle Paget,

Marilyn Holness, Laura Dalton

LGB Members: Mark

Rosewell (Abbey)

CEO: Steve Hume


GHS HT: Sarah Peacock

ABB HT: Andrea Stirling


ARA HT: Clare Ryder



HR Manager: Sam Pennelli 

SCITT: Kate Potts
  • Establish WLT pay policies for all staff
  • Agree appraisal policy for teachers and other staff
  • Establish WLT capability/disciplinary/grievance/absence procedures
  • Establish WLT recruitment, appointment and employment policies and procedures
  • Review and Approve Trust Complaints policy and procedures and monitor and review complaints
  • Set and monitor WLT shadow staffing structures
  • Monitor SCITT outcomes and developments
  • Oversee safeguarding across the Trust and receive outstanding actions from safeguarding audits
  • Ratify the grade, salary range and title of any new SLT or equivalent post and review posts when vacancies arise
  • Consider and approve recommendations to award recruitment and retention incentives or to offer rewards for exceptional performance and significant contribution to trust/school priorities
  • Run Chief Executive Officer recruitment exercise and recommend appointment 
  • Run (in conjunction with LGB) Headteacher recruitment process and recommend appointment* 
  • Determine dismissal payments/early retirement or redundancy payments for CEO/HT 
  • Annually review staff wellbeing trends in Trust schools
  • Annual review of Staff CPD across the Trust


Standards Committee 

4 meetings a year, meeting at 11.15am on Mondays.


(4 Trustees, LGB representatives (max 3) + Headteachers)

Chair: Marilyn Holness

Trustees: Vacancy, Mark


LGB Members: Trevor

Knight (GHS), Amanda Curl


CEO: Steve Hume


GHS HT: Sarah Peacock

ABB HT: Andrea Stirling


ARA HT: Clare Ryder

  • Monitor and review WLT schools’ self-evaluation forms to ensure they accurately reflect the position of the schools
  • Review any action plans to address issues raised by Ofsted or any school improvement visit.
  • Approve application of National Curriculum or any variations to it having regard to resources and the flexibility available to Schools and in the curriculum
  • Set out a vision statement
  • Review aligned curriculum 
  • Monitor and review IT provision and security across the Trust
  • Approve WLT targets for progress and achievement 
  • Scrutinise whole-school standards in progress and achievement of pupils against Trust targets 
  • Analysis and evaluation of exam results in context of national performance indicators.
  • Ensure all Trust schools are adhering to the WLT overarching Equalities policy


CEO: Steve Hume


CEO is also Accounting Officer and sits on the Board of Trustees
  • Develop and deliver the vision and objectives for the WLT 
  • Lead strategic school improvement of schools in the Trust, working with the Headteachers to ensure that all WLT schools are working to the highest expectations and academic standards
  • Monitor processes for school improvement and a drive for excellence in every school;
  • Conduct the performance management of the Headteachers;
  • In conjunction with the HTs, to grow ‘future leaders’ through modelling, coaching, and involving them in higher level strategic planning and shared leadership;
  • Fulfil the role of Accounting Officer for the Trust.
  • Liaise with Trustees agreeing agendas with Chairs and arrange all Trust meetings.
  • Lead the central Trust team, who are responsible for core Trust functions of performance monitoring and managing centrally-provided support services. 


Glenthorne LGB

4 meetings a year, meeting at 4.00pm on Mondays. (ToO: 4 years)


(13 members: 6 community, 4 parents, 3 staff)

Chair:  Laura Dalton 

Vice Chair: Kevin Mohr


Staff Governors: Lucas

Maxwell, Alice Miller


Parent Governors:  Cecilia

Beylefeld, Henry Lee, Becky

Shaw, Tom Berry


Community Governors

Laura Dalton, DQ Nguyen,

Kevin Mohr, Chris Ellis, Trevor

Knight, Helen Young


Headteacher:  Sarah



Associate Governors:

Michelle Alletson, Siobhan



Head Students:  2


Governance Professional:

Mary Gill 


  • Setting the strategic vision, ethos, values and objectives within the overarching strategic vision and aims of the Trust. 
  • Appoint the Chair and Vice-Chair of a Local Governing Body
  • Request removal of Governors in accordance with WLT procedures
  • Request addition of co-opted governors to the LGB
  • Appoint or remove associate members at LGB
  • Set up and appoint governors for committees as appropriate
  • Set up a panel to review medical and social applications for transfer to secondary school
  • Set up a structure of governor link responsibilities
  • Determining LGB meeting frequency and agendas Agree committee terms of reference and review annually
  • Hold at least 3 full governing body meetings each academic year 
  • Maintain minutes of, and papers considered at, meetings of the governing body/ committees maintained
  • Effectively listen to the views of pupils and parents/carers
  • Monitor effectiveness of Community/Stakeholder engagement 
  • Discharge the SEND, pupil premium, health and safety, safeguarding and equality duties
  • Ensuring the school is prepared for new educational developments and initiatives and is OFSTED ready
  • Set up monitoring visits for H&S, safeguarding, SEND and other links as appropriate and approve Governor Visits policy.
  • Receive termly reports from the Headteacher



  • Complete a Register of Interests at the start of each academic year and ensure it is updated as is required over the course of the year
  • Review and approve the statutory school policies related to responsibilities within the Terms of Reference 
  • Review and approve a charging and remissions policy for activities 
  • Prevent establishment of extremism and or political indoctrination and ensure the balanced treatment of any issue
  • Monitor safeguarding provision and approve Safeguarding and Child Protection policy
  • Receive termly updates on safeguarding
  • Monitor and review annual safeguarding audit 
  • Verify accuracy and completeness of the Single Central Record  Support children with medical conditions


Pupil Discipline

  • Monitor application of a school’s behaviour policy, use of exclusions, bullying and discriminatory incidents 
  • Review permanent and fixed term exclusions as per current guidance 
  • Determine if a permanently excluded pupil should be reinstated 
  • Set up and appoint governors for pupil discipline panels, including final warning meetings



  • Ensure a school meets the 380 sessions in a school year and 32.5 hours per school week
  • Recommend any changes to school hours, terms and holidays for Board approval
  • Review school uniform policy
  • Support the school with initiatives for marketing



  • Run (in conjunction with Trust Personnel Committee) Headteacher recruitment exercise and recommend appointment*
  • Comprise panels to appoint Deputy Head teachers and Assistant Head teachers
  • Comprise panel for the performance management of the HT with the CEO.
  • Monitor the appointment of staff within the Shadow Staffing Structure agreed by the Trust Personnel Committee
  • Monitor the Implementation of disciplinary/capability procedures/absence procedures 
  • Monitor school-specific equality duties
  • Dismiss a member of staff/employee on the recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer or Head Teacher
  • Ensure Appraisal policies have been applied appropriately and fairly at the school
  • Monitor Staff CPD and evaluate impact.
  • Monitor staff work life balance and wellbeing
  • Monitor staff absence trends 
  • Monitor staff exit questionnaires and identify any trends
  • Hear any staff pay/grievance appeals or disciplinary/capability appeals not potentially resulting in termination of contract.

* Headteacher recruitment exercise

  • Trust Personnel to approve the advertising of the post and the salary range to be used on consideration of a recommendation from the CEO.
  • CEO would be responsible for producing the job pack, setting the interview day(s) and setting up the interview panel(s).
  • The CEO and at least 2 trustees and 2 governors would sit on the interview panel.
  • The Trust Personnel committee would ratify the panel’s recommendation of appointee.
  • The Trust Finance committee would ratify the panel’s recommendation of appointee, including any salary variation.


  • Hold the school to account for outcomes specific to the use of pupil premium and any other ring-fenced money 
  • Receive and approve Pupil Premium Strategy
  • Scrutinise and evaluate impact of pupil premium strategies
  • Monitor and review the budget income and expenditure Review and approve Bursary policy


Premises and Facilities

  • Review school specific Risk Assessments
  • Oversee building maintenance plans and ensure local needs have been captured in the repairs and maintenance strategy 
  • Review and Approve a Lettings and Charging Policy
  • Monitor school lettings
  • Review and Approve school specific Accessibility Plan
  • Review and Approve Educational Visits policy and approve risk assessments for residential, hazardous or foreign trips
  • Review and Approve Health & Safety policy and procedures, including critical incident procedures and lockdown procedures
  • Conduct annual internal H&S walkarounds
  • Monitor Health and Safety compliance on school sites and conduct an annual H&S walkaround 
  • Receive annual H&S audit from local authority 



  • Establish an Admissions Policy to recommend to the Trust Board
  • Monitor the Admissions Policy and practice including the school rolls
  • Review PAN for the school and make any recommendations for change to the Trust Board.
  • Approve Admissions Appeals procedure and arrange independent Appeals Panels
  • Consider medical and social applications for transfer to secondary school and consider any in-year medical and social applications. 
  • Conduct review of pupil number projections
  • Appeal against Local Authority admission number and directions to admit pupil(s) if required
  • Oversee determination of school places with local authority
  • Oversee in-year admissions including IYFAP
  • Carry out any admissions consultations as required by Schools Admissions Code


Appeal Panel Members: any three governors may serve on an appeal panel as required. 


GHS Curriculum, Teaching,

Learning, Standards and Student Welfare Committee: 4 meetings a year, meeting at 4.00pm on Mondays.


Members (8)

Cecilia Beylefeld

Laura Dalton

Trevor Knight (C)

Lucas Maxwell

Helen Young

Becky Shaw

Tom Berry

Siobhan Walker (Associate governor)


  • Establishing and monitoring policies for which it has responsibility: Behaviour Policy, Careers, Equality and diversity, SEN 
  • Establish and keep up to date a written policy on the provision of Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)
  • Monitor and review Exam policy and Exam access arrangements



  • Review and oversee curriculum provision and development within the school 
  • Approve the school and subject curriculum vision statement 
  • Monitor and review curriculum provision for British Values, Citizenship, PE and Sports Premium, PSHE including health and wellbeing. 
  • Receive regular reports on specific whole school issues/specialist areas 
  • Review development of sixth form
  • Monitor cross-curricular teaching
  • Monitor and review extra-curricular activities
  • Monitor and review IT provision and communication with stakeholders
  • Monitor and review the House system and pastoral support initiatives
  • Annual review of school timetable
  • Monitor the provision of Arts specialism 
  • Monitor staffing requirements to meet the curriculum
  • Receive and approve Literacy and Numeracy catch-up strategy and evaluate impact 
  • Supporting leaders with initiatives to further pupil outcomes



  • Access and use ‘Analyse School Performance (ASP)’ 
  • Hold the school to account for pupil progress and achievement, including analysis and evaluation of departmental exam results
  • Monitor progress and achievement for pupil sub-groups
  • Receive termly updates to monitor impact of provision for children with SEND, EAL learners, LAC, Children eligible for PP funding, MAL


Teaching & Learning

  • Review and monitor quality of teaching and assessment through feedback from observations and learning walks
  • Monitor the assessment of pupils 


School Improvement

  • Approve and monitor the impact of the school improvement plan (SIP/SDP) 
  • Agree and publish school-specific targets within SIP for pupil to achieve WLT progress and achievement targets



  • Review and evaluate attendance levels, including persistent absence


Aragon LGB

Reviewed Responsibilities

(9 members: 4 community, 2 parents, 3 staff)

Chair: Isabelle Paget

Vice-Chair: Terry Daniels


Community Governors:

Jamie Bailey, Bradley Coupar,

Isabelle Paget, Terry Daniels


Parent Governors

Gemma Fromage-Crawford,

Jerome Dussard-McFarlane


Staff Governors:

Adrian Hennessy, Amanda




Clare Ryder


Governance Professional:

Mary Gill 


  • Setting the strategic vision, ethos, values and objectives within the overarching strategic vision and aims of the Trust. 
  • Appoint the Chair and Vice-Chair of a Local Governing Body
  • Request removal of Governors in accordance with WLT procedures
  • Request addition of co-opted governors to the LGB
  • Agree committee terms of reference and review annually
  • Appoint or remove associate members at LGB
  • Hold at least 3 full governing body meetings each academic year
  • Effectively listen to the views of pupils and parents/carers
  • Monitor effectiveness of Community/Stakeholder engagement
  • Discharge the SEND, pupil premium, health and safety, safeguarding and equality duties
  • Maintain minutes of, and papers considered at, meetings of the governing body/ committees maintained
  • Report termly to Trust Board
  • Determining LGB meeting frequency and agendas          
  • Set up a structure of governor link responsibilities
  • Set up monitoring visits to the school for H&S, safeguarding, SEND and other links as appropriate
  • Ensuring the school is prepared for new educational developments and initiatives and is OFSTED ready
  • Receive termly reports from the Headteacher



  • Prevent establishment of extremism and or political indoctrination and ensure the balanced treatment of any issue
  • Monitor school-specific equality duties
  • Receive annual SEND, Pupil Premium (PP), Looked After Children and Safeguarding reports to monitor impact of provision and sign off
  • Review and approve the school policies related to responsibilities within the Terms of Reference
  • Complete a Register of Interests at the start of each academic year and ensure it is updated as is required over the course of the year
  • Monitor safeguarding provision and approve Safeguarding and Child Protection policy
  • Receive termly updates on Safeguarding
  • Monitor and review annual safeguarding audit 
  • Support children with Medical Conditions


Pupil Discipline

  • Approve the behaviour policy for the school 
  • Monitor application of a school’s behaviour policy, use of exclusions, bullying and discriminatory incidents 
  • Review permanent and fixed term exclusions as per current guidance 
  • Determine if a permanently excluded pupil should be reinstated 
  • Set up and appoint governors for pupil discipline panels if required



  • Review and evaluate attendance levels, including persistent absence



  • Ensure a school meets the 380 sessions in a school year and 32.5 hours per school week
  • Recommend any changes to school hours, terms and holidays for Board approval
  • Review and approve a charging and remissions policy for activities 
  • Review school uniform policy
  • Review and Approve Educational Visits policy and approve risk assessments for residential, hazardous or foreign trips
  • Review and approve school residential trips
  • Receive termly reports from the Headteacher


Curriculum, Teaching & Learning

  • Review and oversee curriculum provision and development within the school
  • Approve school’s curriculum vision statement
  • Review and monitor quality of teaching through feedback from observations and learning walks
  • Establish and keep up to date a written policy on the provision of Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) and Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
  • Receive regular reports on specific whole school issues/specialist areas
  • Review development of EYFS
  • Monitor and review IT provision and communication with stakeholders
  • Overview the provision for MAL and high attaining students
  • Monitor and review pastoral support initiatives
  • Annual review of school timetable 
  • Receive and approve Literacy and Numeracy catch-up strategy and evaluate impact
  • Supporting leaders with initiatives to further pupil outcomes 
  • Monitor the assessment of pupils 


Standards and School Improvement

  • Approve and monitor the impact of the school improvement plan (SIP/SDP)
  • Agree and publish school specific targets within SIP for pupil to achieve WLT progress and achievement targets 
  • Hold the school to account for pupil progress and achievement within pupil sub-groups
  • Receive termly updates to monitor impact of provision for children with SEND, EAL learners, LAC, Children eligible for PP funding, MAL
  • Monitor progress and achievement for pupil sub-groups


Finance and Risk

  • Monitor and review the budget income and expenditure
  • Adopt and comply with the Academy Trust Handbook
  • Review school specific Risk Assessments
  • Hold the school to account for outcomes specific to the use of pupil premium, sports premium and any other ring-fenced money 
  • Receive and approve Pupil Premium and Sports Premium Strategy
  • Scrutinise and evaluate impact of pupil premium strategies



  • Run (in conjunction with Trustees) Head Teacher and deputy Headteacher recruitment exercise and recommend appointment*
  • Monitor the appointment of staff within the Shadow Staffing Structure agreed by the Trust Personnel Committee
  • Annually review application of pay policies for compliance in individual schools
  • Monitor the implementation of disciplinary/capability procedures/absence procedures
  • Dismiss any other member of staff/employee on the recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer Headteacher.
  • Verify accuracy and completeness of the Single Central Record  
  • Ensure Appraisal policies have been applied appropriately and fairly at the school
  • Performance management of Academy Headteachers 
  • Monitor Staff CPD and evaluate impact
  • Monitor staff work life balance and wellbeing
  • Monitor staff absence trends 
  • Monitor staffing requirements to meet the curriculum 
  • Monitor staff exit questionnaires and identify any trends
  • Hear any staff pay/grievance appeals or disciplinary/capability appeals not potentially resulting in termination of contract.


Premises and Facilities

  • Oversee building maintenance plans and ensure local needs have been captured in the repairs and maintenance strategy 
  • Review and Approve a Lettings Policy and monitor school lettings.
  • Review and Approve school specific Accessibility Plan
  • Review and Approve Health & Safety policy and procedures, including critical incident procedures and lockdown procedures
  • Monitor Health and Safety compliance on school sites and conduct an annual H&S walkaround
  • Receive annual H&S audit from local authority



  • Establish an Admissions Policy to recommend to the Trust Board
  • Monitor the Admissions Policy and practice including the school rolls
  • Review PAN for the school and make any recommendations for change to the Trust Board.
  • Consider medical and social applications.
  • Conduct review of pupil number projections
  • Appeal against Local Authority admission number and directions to admit pupil(s) if required
  • Oversee determination of school places with local authority
  • Oversee in-year admissions including IYFAP
  • Carry out any admissions consultations as required by Schools Admissions Code


Appeal Panel Members: any three governors may serve on an appeal panel as required.  

* Head Teacher and Deputy Headteacher

  • Trust Personnel to approve the advertising of the post and the salary range to be used on consideration of a recommendation from the CEO
  • CEO would be responsible for producing the job pack, setting the interview day(s) and setting up the interview panel(s).
  • The CEO, and at least 1 trustee and 1 governor would sit on the interview panel.
  • The Trust Personnel committee would ratify the panel’s recommendation of appointee.
  • The Trust Finance committee would ratify the panel’s recommendation of appointee, including any salary variation.


Abbey LGB Reviewed Responsibilities
(9 members: 4 community, 2 parents, 3 staff)

Chair: Mark Rosewell

Vice Chair: Sarah Seal


Community Governors:

Sarah Seal, Sumita Dutta,

Mark Rosewell, Linda Hall 


Parent Governors

Jennie Farrell, Abbey



Staff Governors:

Aaron Tanner, Stephanie




Andrea Stirling-Williams



Professional: Mary Gill  


  • Setting the strategic vision, ethos, values and objectives within the overarching strategic vision and aims of the Trust. 
  • Approve and monitor the impact of the school improvement plan (SIP/SDP)
  • Appoint the Chair and Vice-Chair of a Local Governing Body
  • Request removal of Governors in accordance with WLT procedures
  • Request addition of co-opted governors to the LGB
  • Agree committee terms of reference and review annually
  • Appoint or remove associate members at LGB
  • Hold at least 3 full governing body meetings each academic year
  • Effectively listen to the views of pupils and parents/carers
  • Monitor effectiveness of Community/Stakeholder engagement
  • Discharge the SEND, pupil premium, health and safety, safeguarding and equality duties
  • Maintain minutes of, and papers considered at, meetings of the governing body/ committees maintained
  • Report termly to Trust Board
  • Determining LGB meeting frequency and agendas          
  • Set up a structure of governor link responsibilities
  • Set up monitoring visits to the school for H&S, safeguarding, SEND and other links as appropriate
  • Ensuring the school is prepared for new educational developments and initiatives and is OFSTED ready
  • Receive termly reports from the Headteacher



  • Prevent establishment of extremism and or political indoctrination and ensure the balanced treatment of any issue
  • Monitor school-specific equality duties
  • Receive annual SEND, Pupil Premium (PP), Looked After Children and Safeguarding reports to monitor impact of provision and sign off
  • Review and approve the school policies related to responsibilities within the Terms of Reference
  • Complete a Register of Interests at the start of each academic year and ensure it is updated as is required over the course of the year
  • Monitor safeguarding provision and approve Safeguarding and Child Protection policy
  • Receive termly updates on Safeguarding
  • Monitor and review annual safeguarding audit 
  • Support children with Medical Conditions


Pupil Discipline

  • Approve the behaviour policy for the school 
  • Monitor application of a school’s behaviour policy, use of exclusions, bullying and discriminatory incidents 
  • Review permanent and fixed term exclusions as per current guidance 
  • Determine if a permanently excluded pupil should be reinstated 
  • Set up and appoint governors for pupil discipline panels 



  • Review and evaluate attendance levels, including persistent absence



  • Ensure a school meets the 380 sessions in a school year and 32.5 hours per school week
  • Recommend any changes to school hours, terms and holidays for Board approval
  • Review and approve a charging and remissions policy for activities 
  • Review school uniform policy
  • Review and Approve Educational Visits policy and approve risk assessments for residential, hazardous or foreign trips
  • Review and approve school residential trips
  • Receive termly reports from the Headteacher


Curriculum, Teaching & Learning

  • Review and oversee curriculum provision and development within the school
  • Approve school’s curriculum vision statement
  • Review and monitor quality of teaching through feedback from observations and learning walks
  • Establish and keep up to date a written policy on the provision of Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) and Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
  • Receive regular reports on specific whole school issues/specialist areas
  • Review development of EYFS
  • Monitor and review IT provision and communication with stakeholders
  • Overview the provision for MAL and high attaining students
  • Monitor and review pastoral support initiatives
  • Annual review of school timetable 
  • Receive and approve Literacy and Numeracy catch-up strategy and evaluate impact
  • Supporting leaders with initiatives to further pupil outcomes 
  • Monitor the assessment of pupils 


Standards and School Improvement

  • Approve and monitor the impact of the school improvement plan (SIP/SDP)
  • Agree and publish school specific targets within SIP for pupil to achieve WLT progress and achievement targets
  • Hold the school to account for pupil progress and achievement within pupil sub-groups 
  • Receive termly updates to monitor impact of provision for children with SEND, EAL learners, LAC, Children eligible for PP funding, MAL


Finance and Risk

  • Monitor and review the budget income and expenditure
  • Adopt and comply with the Academy Trust Handbook
  • Review school specific Risk Assessments
  • Hold the school to account for outcomes specific to the use of pupil premium, sports premium and any other ring-fenced money
  • Receive and approve Pupil Premium and Sports Premium Strategy
  • Scrutinise and evaluate impact of pupil premium strategies



  • Run (in conjunction with Trustees) Academy Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher recruitment exercise and recommend appointment*
  • Monitor the appointment of staff within the Shadow Staffing Structure agreed by the Trust Personnel Committee
  • Annually review application of pay policies for compliance in individual schools
  • Monitor the implementation of disciplinary/capability procedures/absence procedures
  • Dismiss any other member of staff/employee on the recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer or Executive Headteacher (primaries).
  • Verify accuracy and completeness of the Single Central Record  
  • Ensure Appraisal policies have been applied appropriately and fairly at the school
  • Performance management of Academy Headteachers. 
  • Monitor Staff CPD and evaluate impact
  • Monitor staff work life balance and wellbeing
  • Monitor staff absence trends 
  • Monitor staffing requirements to meet the curriculum 
  • Monitor staff exit questionnaires and identify any trends
  • Hear any staff pay/grievance appeals or disciplinary/capability appeals not potentially resulting in termination of contract.


Premises and Facilities

  • Oversee building maintenance plans and ensure local needs have been captured in the repairs and maintenance strategy 
  • Review and Approve a Lettings Policy and monitor school lettings.
  • Review and Approve school specific Accessibility Plan
  • Review and Approve Health & Safety policy and procedures, including critical incident procedures and lockdown procedures
  • Monitor Health and Safety compliance on school sites and conduct an annual H&S walkaround
  • Receive annual H&S audit from local authority



  • Establish an Admission Policy to recommend to the Trust Board
  • Monitor the Admission Policy and practice including the school rolls
  • Review PAN for the school and make any recommendations for change to the Trust Board.
  • Consider medical and social applications.
  • Conduct review of pupil number projections
  • Appeal against Local Authority admission number and directions to admit pupil(s) if required
  • Oversee determination of school places with local authority
  • Oversee in-year admissions including IYFAP
  • Carry out any admissions consultations as required by Schools Admissions Code


Appeal Panel Members: any three governors may serve on an appeal panel as required. 

* Head Teacher and Deputy Headteacher

  • Trust Personnel to approve the advertising of the post and the salary range to be used on consideration of a recommendation from the CEO
  • CEO would be responsible for producing the job pack, setting the interview day(s) and setting up the interview panel(s).
  • The CEO, and at least 1 trustee and 1 governor would sit on the interview panel.
  • The Trust Personnel committee would ratify the panel’s recommendation of appointee.
  • The Trust Finance committee would ratify the panel’s recommendation of appointee, including any salary variation.